
When Langstaff Marketing started in 1999, there was no such thing as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, much less an iPad or iPhone. Pinterest, Instagram and mobile-ready websites were not even on the horizon. No one “Googled”. In fact, most companies didn't even have websites.

For 15 years, Langstaff Marketing has delivered strategies, tactics and high-energy materials to our clients. We have produced hundreds of websites, television commercials, print campaigns and special events. And in more recent years, we have created just as many social media campaigns.

MADlab StaffThere is no exact formula for the "perfect" marketing campaign. With the components evolving by the hour, marketing campaigns are experiments that must adapt and change to produce results. As strategists, we must do the same. Langstaff Marketing is now MADlab—A Marketing Collaboration. We now have become strategic mixologists: a drop of social media for some, and a splash of traditional media for others.

We recognize the evolution of a global target audience. Our client list continues to expand, and we have many more scientific tools at our fingertips. It is our time to recreate ourselves. Strap on your goggles, and grab a lab coat...the experiment begins now.

MADlab  |  a ridiculously talented marketing collaboration

Deidra Langstaff & Mary Beth Hobby